Monday, April 25, 2016

A new chapter..for now..

Hello again! It's been awhile since I've blogged. I think it's been since January since my last blog update? Wow, time sure flies by because we are in the end of April already! A lot has happened since I've blogged. I'm not sure who reads this blog but this blog is really an outlet for me to share my thoughts, things I like to do, and record my memories with friends and family. I guess in the grand scheme of things, this blog is like my little time capsule of my life. So, if you've been with me since the beginning when I started (like just last year), thanks for sticking with me. And if you've just started reading, welcome!

I plan on posting blogs once a week on Mondays to keep my blog fresh and alive. I realized that if I didn't have a set time to blog, it would be put to the wayside and I really enjoy sharing my thoughts in writing. 

So, what's happened since January? Well, the biggest change is....I've resigned from my job as a teacher after teaching for 10 years! Say what?! Those of you who've known me for a long time, my passion is teaching and kids. Yes, teaching has its pros and cons but overall, I truly love it. Well, I wanted to share my reasons/thoughts for resigning at this point in my career and what's next for me and my family.

Why did you decide to resign now?
This past 2016-2017 school year, I was on a leave of absence from teaching to stay at home with my two little girls. This means, that I am still an employee of the school district but on sabbatical leave without pay. Before the 2016-2017 school year ends, I can decide to return or resign. I decided to resign. 

I love being at home with my two little girls and spending time with them. A lot of you told me that it will be the best decision that I will have made as a mom and one that I won't regret. You guys have been totally right. I realize that time is precious and making memories with my two little girls while being a SAHM (stay at home mom) is the best gift to them and myself.

Also, while working full time last year, I really struggled with being the best wife, mom, and teacher all at the same time. Sure, I did it, it was a busy/crazy school year, and I know that I can be a full-time working mom. However, when I had the choice to be a SAHM with my kids, I couldn't pass up the chance. Family first.

Do you miss teaching?
Yes I absolutely miss teaching! As I mentioned above I know that teaching has its pros and cons but overall, I love teaching! I miss being with students and the joy/fun of teaching them. I miss all the different conversations and stories that I would hear everyday in the classroom from my students. Oddly enough, I miss lesson planning (who would have thought!) because it was always fun looking for new and creative ways to teach a concept. Yes, call me nerdy and my teacher friends might just be laughing at me but when I left we had just gotten into this whole project-based learning and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) teaching and I was excited to try something new even though it meant more time prepping/planning. 

The BIGGEST thing that I missed this year while being at home was my colleagues/friends! I have to put a shout out and some love to them (Cumberland Elementary..wassup!!) because truly they have known me for awhile (10 years!) and have seen me grow not just as a teacher but also as an individual. They've been like a second family to me this past decade. I have learned so much from everyone and love teaching even more because of my time spent with them. I have so many great memories but most of all, I miss laughing and chatting with everyone. Yes, laughter...there was always something to laugh about because there was always something funny or crazy that happens in the classroom or around school. Here are just a few pics I quickly found in my files (just a snippet of the awesome people at Cumberland). Thanks for the memories and hope to stay in touch with these fabulous people!

Do you plan on returning to teaching?
Yes! I'm not sure when I'll be returning but I'm just going to enjoy this next upcoming school year 2017-2018 being a SAHM again to my two little girls. I have to be honest though, I am worried about finding a job when I want to return. I guess that's just natural because I haven't applied for a teaching job in 10 years! I just have to have faith that God will provide.

So that basically sums it up folks! I realize here in the Silicon Valley, it truly is a blessing and a privilege to be able to be a SAHM because guys, living here is super $$$$$.

A huge THANK YOU to my wonderful supportive husband who's making it possible for me to have this time at home with our little girls.

Last of all and for the record..being a working mom (WM) and a SAHM is NO JOKE! No matter what, each situation has its own difficulties and blessings. ;)