Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Kon Mari'ing Kids Clothes

Summer has come and gone and boy was it a fun-filled summer in our house! At the beginning of the summer way back in June, I had one week all to myself while the kids were still in daycare. So..what did I do with my free time? ORGANIZE of course! Who doesn't love a clean, organized, and tidy space? I certainly do!

So, a friend of mine introduced me to this newest tidying book that everyone has been reading and obviously I'm late to the bandwagon. Anyone else reading this or have read it? 

I have to say, this book is actually entertaining to read and the way Kon Mari talks about tidying up is different than anything I've heard before. Basically, the premise is "Choose and keep things that brings you joy." Well, duh, how come I never thought of that? SO SIMPLE! 

Okay, so as I'm reading this book, I was reading up on one of my favorite blogs iheartorganizing and she had this Four Week "Wait-No-More" Organizing Challenge! What great timing to get myself started on decluttering, tidying, and organizing my house one space at a time! So what space did I choose first? THE GIRLS CLOSET!

We recently just moved back into our house after remodeling our bathrooms and the bedrooms. After moving in, we decided to have the girls finally share a room. Hooray for me cuz now I get my office back! This meant I had to combine two girl closets into one, which was daunting to me because they both had so much clothes! So in comes the Kon Mari Method! 

Step 1: Purge! Take everything out...Seriously, look at all those clothes. How could a 2.5 yr old and a 16 month have so many clothes! I had to do a panorama to get it all in and to be honest after I took the picture, I found two more bins of clothes hiding in another room!
Before Purge
Step 2: Organize clothes. I kinda went overboard in organizing and I think I could have done it in a more efficient way but in the end, it all got done. I first grouped everything by type of clothing (pants, short, dresses, jackets, etc.). Then within each group I organized by clothing size (0-3 mo, 3-6 mo, etc). Here's a snapshot of what I did.

Organizing by clothing type..look at how the bins are overflowing!

Step 3: Folding the KonMari Way! I had to view several youtube videos on how to fold the KonMari Way.  I folded all the girls' clothes including socks and bibs. Here's a snapshot of their drawers. I used empty shoeboxes to hold the smaller items such as socks. This was a suggestion from the Kon Mari Method book. 

Reflection: This process ended up being a week-long project. It was very freeing to purge and clear up space in the closet and dresser. It's been 2 months since I've completed this project and it's been really easy finding clothes and putting clothes away because everything has its place. Sorry for the long post but hope you enjoyed reading my process of organizing my kids' clothes. What have you been organizing lately? Anyone else trying out the Kon Mari Method?

Yes those are post-it labels! I love labeling everything!


  1. Yay! I am so happy to hear you read the book and are putting it into practice! Nice job! Thanks for sharing pics of the newly organized clothes! They look great. I am working on going through all of the paper in our house. I already broke one paper shredder, but I just got a new one so I am back to shredding lots of old and unnecessary documents.

    1. Thanks Elaine! Slowly organizing the house. Just finished with organizing the playroom for the girls so that blog post will be coming very soon!
