Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Thankful Tuesday!

Well hello Thankful Tuesday! Somehow my "Thankful Tuesdays" dropped off the radar and my motivation to blog about what I'm thankful was not there (aka..I got lazy..just being real here). So..I'm back at it again! I'm gonna take us back to the 4th of July weekend which was filled with hanging out with family and friends. We ate a ton, hung out a lot, laughed, and just enjoyed each other's company! So today for this Thankful Tuesday, I am blogging about my small group community at The River Church. I am very thankful for this family group and I love seeing how our kids are growing up with each other. During the 4th of July weekend, we gathered together to do our annual July 4th BBQ. It was fun to just sit around the table eating, chatting, and listening to the kids run around and play. I love moments like these where there's no rush to be anywhere or do anything. Just sit and enjoy each other's company. Dave and I have known most of these people for several years now (almost 10 years for some!) and we have seen each other through life's greatest and challenging moments. We've seen our families grow and it's fun to see our kids growing up together in this season of our lives. So thankful for this group and the community we are building with each other.

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