Monday, May 2, 2016

My Hopes and Desires...

I can't believe 2016 is almost halfway through, how are we in May already? Time seems to fly by so much quicker as you get older. Hence, time is precious and every minute counts. I've been thinking a lot lately about my hopes and desires. At the beginning of each year, a lot of people make New Years resolutions or goals. I use to do that too and those never panned out. For example: I'd make a resolution to exercise and workout (haha, yea right). Those of you who know me, I hardly exercise and there's absolutely no motivation for that.

Anyways, I began think about this whole New Years resolution/goal in a different way. What if I thought of it as hopes and desires? I mean, who said you had to make New Years resolutions/goals at the beginning of every new year? 

So in this season of life, these are some of my hopes and desires. These aren't set in concrete and of course as life continues, new ones will arise and these will evolve.  

In this sesason of life, I hope and desire:
  • to understand and practice what it means to REST in God's presence.
  • to be present to my kids and husband and serve them wholeheartedly
  • to build deeper friendships with my friends 
  • to serve the people around me with humility and a grateful heart 
  • to be more aware of the blessings that God provides in every situation
Short and not too complicated. It's always good to actually write these down because it makes it concrete versus being up in my head. What are your hopes and desires? Would love to hear from you guys!

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