Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Thankful Tuesdays!

Welcome to Thankful Tuesday! On Facebook, everyone does #TBT (Throw Back Thursdays) and it's super fun to look and reminisce on the past. I thought I'd start something new on my blog called Thankful Tuesdays! It's not something new because there is a #thankfultuesday but I thought for myself, it would be a good practice to blog every Tuesday about one thing that I'm thankful for. It's a way for me to take a step back in my life to see the blessings that God provides and the ways He's working around and in me.

So for my first Thankful Tuesday blog post, I am thankful for my little family.

6  years ago, I would have never imagined that God would bless me with a little family of my own. We struggled with infertility for a couple of years and when our first daughter arrived, it was the most amazing  gift ever from God! Then 18 months later, our spunky second daughter arrived and that was the best gift that God truly blessed us with. I am very thankful that our girls are healthy and happy. I am thankful for my husband who has walked with me and supported me through the entire journey of becoming parents and now being parents. I am thankful that he loves spending time with us even when he's tired and has worked a long day. I am thankful that my girls love to spend time with me and their daddy in this season of their lives (I hope this never ends and they'll continue to enjoy spending time with us as they grow older). I am thankful for all our little family moments from big ones like family camping and road trips to little ones like playing hide and seek before bedtime. Yes, I am grateful, thankful, and blessed by this little family that God has given me. Love.


  1. Love this idea of expressing thankfulness. I am thankful for my husband who works his butt off so I can stay home and be there for our kiddos!

    1. Thanks for sharing and reading Shannon! You're an awesome mom to your wonderful kiddos!

  2. Love this idea of expressing thankfulness. I am thankful for my husband who works his butt off so I can stay home and be there for our kiddos!
